Aprire una società in Inghilterra senza essere superficiali

The procedure for setting up a company in the United Kingdom is simple and quick. The company is established by registering with the Companies House (division of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry which performs similar functions to the national register of the Italian Chamber system).

The main corporate forms:

  • Private Limited Company  ;
  • Private Unlimited Company  (Private company with unlimited liability);
  • Public Limited Company  . 

Consider also the form of  LLP  (Limited Liability Partnership), the limited liability partnership which is the simplest and simplest form to operate in the English market without the need to set up a company (for example partnerships between professionals, freelancers etc) and the  Partnership , an agreement between professionals or companies where the responsibility is unlimited but where there are no communication requirements to the Company House. 

The English system  is based on a general principle of “trust” on economic operators, so the establishment of a company (usually the form of the LTD is chosen) is simple and fast and does not require a notary. However, this should not lead us to believe, with superficiality, that the controls are absent, as they are simply different. Who has worked in England knows that if it is true that to  create a company  just a few hours, to have a  VAT number it takes 2 to 8 weeks and in order to have a current account, it is necessary to pass a delicate and thorough due diligence on the part of the banking institute which will open the accounts. Also in England it is necessary to pay attention to the relationships between members taking care of the company pacts: those who constitute superficially without first examining the conditions of the statute operates in an inattentive and approximate and his entrepreneurial initiative will certainly start on the wrong foot.

A good  administration of a society in England  needs care and attention, as in every other part of the world, and those who write on the web that the requirements are not there or are in the rose water does not tell the truth. How true those who propose ridiculous costs of assistance of an Ltd in London do not say the truth  . In fact, the costs are there and in the end they are not far from the average ones that a society costs every year in the main economies of the world (and how could it be otherwise, given that London is one of the most expensive cities in the world?).

It is misinformation who proposes to set up companies in London to carry out activities in other countries (for example Italy), because it fails to inform that in this case the English company will have to comply with all obligations in the country where it operates, paying taxes and then carry out the obligations also in England, with evident duplication of administrative obligations, costs and even some taxes.

Also in England the taxes are there and must be paid. It is absolutely not true that by using an English company to work abroad you can lawfully save taxes.

Opening a company in England  is a great opportunity to grow your business, to internationalize or even to access one of the richest consumer markets in the world. It is not the case to open in England to make “empty boxes” or to carry out activities in other countries.

Internationalizing  is a serious matter, it is a process that requires skills, vision and commitment. And if it is the growth you seek and new business opportunities we will be happy to be your partners in this new adventure.