Support during the development of an internationalisation process

Establishing a holding company in London is without doubt the perfect choice for all those who desire to develop and efficiently manage an international group of companies. London is the most renowned city in the world for this kind of activity.

Planning for internationalisation is a delicate process that can either bear fruit or diseconomy, depending on how it is managed. During this phase, we act as a point of reference for those corporate groups who place their trust in our firm, helping them to lay solid foundations for their international growth.

The main services that we offer in this area are as follows:

In fact, almost all of the most important businesses in the world, some of the best private equities, a huge number of innovative start-ups, and leaders of global finance, have an office in London. Being in London therefore means having access to new and powerful relations: the basis of commercial agreements and global fundraising activities.

And that is not all: the English market is appealing also for investments in certain sectors. In particular, in England it is possible to establish successful ventures related to:

  • Analysis of relevant legislation and the legal and business environment of the foreign state where the client intends to establish their manufacturing or commercial activity;
  • Analysis of the economic and financial feasibility and the benefits (including tax benefits) of the business venture through the development of a business and tax plan;
  • Definition of the formal legal framework for companies present in the hosting country after analysis of bilateral double taxation treaties (according to whether it is a permanent establishment, controlled company or representative office);
  • Assistance in the preparation of international contracts;
  • The development of intra-group reporting systems;
  • The analysis and planning of management models for the Group Treasury.