Information about England and London

England, and in particular London, has always been the European springboard for business internationalisation. While it is always opportune for the parent holding company to be located in the country of origin of the company that wants to internationalise, the best way to kick-start your business is to have a foreign subsidiary holding company based in London.

In fact, almost all of the most important businesses in the world, some of the best private equities, a huge number of innovative start-ups, and leaders of global finance, have an office in London. Being in London therefore means having access to new and powerful relations: the basis of commercial agreements and global fundraising activities.

And that is not all: the English market is appealing also for investments in certain sectors. In particular, in England it is possible to establish successful ventures related to:

  • the sale of food and beverages;
  • clothing;
  • basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations;
  • software;
  • furniture and household articles (doors, windows, luxury furnishings, etc.).

England is full of opportunities for anyone who is able to invest directly in the following sectors:

  • Hospitality and food services;
  • Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (also from renewable sources);
  • Financial and insurance activities;
  • Computer, electronic, and optical products; electro-medical equipment, measuring devices and watches and clocks;
  • Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations.